Kidepo Valley National Park sightseeing including unique Culture, Wilds and Birds

Price Free
Duration 3h 30m
Capacity 1 - 10

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About Kidepo Valley National Park

Safari Advice: Kidepo Valley National Park is around 700 kilometers northeast of Kampala. The two-hour flight from Kajjansi airstrip, Kampala, or Entebbe International Airport is the quickest method to get there. It usually takes 10 hours to travel safely by vehicle. It is appropriate to stop in a town for the night while traveling. However, many who visit Uganda find a suitable home for adventure and escape after exploring the pristine nature there.

communicates largely about the tourism business with workers in the industry or members of extremely sensitive groups. Rest easy knowing that you will get immediate assistance if anything unexpected arises during your trip.

Kidepo Valley National Park is situated in the semi-arid Karamoja region. The daily average temperature is 270 C/810 F, and it has even reached 400 °C. One of the safari recommendations that visitors to Kidepo Valley National Park should be aware of is the necessity to pack drab, lightweight cotton clothing. Bright colors draw bugs and insects. Before and throughout your trip, drink enough non-alcoholic liquids to keep your body hydrated. Be sure to bring a safari tent, a cap, some flip-flops, some safari shorts, some sunglasses, and sunscreen.

The insects that spread malaria live in hot climates, making it the most lethal disease on the African continent. Most likely, tourists visiting Uganda never get to witness a single individual who has malaria. However, just because you see the insects does not mean they are carrying the malaria virus. Use caution, pack bug repellent, get vaccinated against malaria before leaving, dress in long pants, especially at night, and sleep with a mosquito net. Numerous hotels and safari lodges fumigate their rooms and take additional anti-mosquito procedures.

In whatever form, very short dresses are unsuitable. One safari tip that will keep you out of trouble is this. Some rural African populations are still conservative and hold onto their traditional beliefs. Uganda is a country with many different religions, and some populations openly profess Islam. Skimpy clothing is thought to indicate a lack of morals; it attracts attention and may cause some people to look down on you. Maintaining decorum is important.

Taking pictures when traveling is fantastic; it’s a fun activity that gives the traveler enduring memories of their trip. The feeling might be different for the individual in the picture since he is unsure of the intentions. Asking for permission from the subject you want to include in your photos is appropriate. To eliminate any doubt, it is more kind if you snap a photo with them. Keep in mind that they might not speak your language and will do so by acting rudely. If you don’t take these safari suggestions into account, a disagreement can result.

In the woods, traveling with a ranger guide is highly advised. They have the practical experience and are aware of recent events.

Taking pictures when traveling is fantastic; it’s a fun activity that gives the traveler enduring memories of their trip. The feeling might be different for the individual in the picture since he is unsure of the intentions, and asking for permission from the subject you want to include in your photos is appropriate. To eliminate any doubt, it is more kind if you snap a photo with them. Keep in mind that they might not speak your language and will do so by acting rudely. If you don’t take these safari suggestions into account, a disagreement can result.

In the woods, traveling with a ranger guide is highly advised. They have the practical experience and are aware of recent events.

Unless the ranger directs attention to it, always leave it in the car. To prevent idling behind the bush, use the restroom before you leave.

When watching animals, keep your distance from them. The animals become agitated by the motor noise and oil odors. Getting too close could restrict their movement and cause them to respond however they see fit.

In the national park, wildlife has the right of way. When they cross the tracks, be patient.

Car horn honking is punishable by a steep fine. It’s suicide to drive through an area where there are elephants or other wildlife.

Keep your voice low when viewing an attraction to maintain the tranquility of the wildlife. Speaking loudly disturbs wildlife, which seeks refuge. Remember that animals are constantly on the lookout for danger, which in this instance maybe you.

Keep a consistent distance from your guide when on a bushwalking adventure, and avoid forming a line of people behind the ranger.

If any animals charge at you, remain motionless. Never try to flee, scream, or display any symptoms of fear. The animals will calmly leave. Never turn your back on animals, and if it doesn’t retreat, steadily walk away.

When leaving the campsite, put out the fire. Never store food inside your tent since it invites animals. 

Burn a fire all night long to frighten animals away.

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What is Kidepo Valley National Park’s major draw for visitors?

If any animals charge at you, remain motionless. Never try to flee, scream, or display any symptoms of fear. The animals will calmly leave. Never turn your back on animals, and if it doesn’t retreat, steadily walk away.

When leaving the campsite, put out the fire. Never store food inside your tent since it invites animals. Burn a fire all night long to frighten animals away.

What is unique about kidepo valley national park?

Image result for kidepo valley national park tips

Kidepo valley national park is an Important Birding Safaris Area in Uganda with close to 450 bird species and a dream Uganda tour destination for bird-watching expeditions. A dozen out of the 50 birds of prey species in Uganda are endemic in the Karamoja region.

Kidepo Valley National Park advice image

Elephants, zebras, bush pigs, Rothschild giraffes, elands, Jackson’s hartebeest, buffalo, oribi, lions, leopards, spotted hyenas, black-backed and side-backed jackals, and oribi is some of the common creatures. The best park in Africa to see large buffalo herds is Kidepo!