Touring the Great Northern and North-Eastern Uganda Main Towns

Price Free
Duration 3h
Capacity 1 - 20

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  • Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Booking ID as the payment reference.

    Pleasant View Restaurant and Cafe Account Number 9030017388516 Stanbic Bank Uganda, Kitgum Branch

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About Greater North and North-Eastern sites

Put on your walking shoes and experience the very best of life within these local towns, cultures, traditions, food, sites, the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) Memorial Site, the Stadium, and the nightlife around them in a different light with local hosts and guides.

Arrange a meeting with the ‘Rwot’, The King of Acholi, and be well knowledgeable of the history of the Acholi people that traces back to the people of South Sudan and deeper even, in ancient Egypt.

  • Transport
  • Drinks and Meals
  • Internet
  • Free Consultation

Will we explore the historic center and the Central Food Market?

Sure, a local guide while sampling delicious local specialties and delicacies, including food in the making, lunch, and even more surprises along the way!

Every aspect of social life, cultural sites, and villages will have the test of them.